Thursday, November 29, 2012

2-Point Perspective City

I think my piece is pretty plain and simple; after seeing some of the other ones, I was a little disappointed with mine.  I guess it was a successful piece, but I could have been a lot more creative with it.  If I were to redo this project, I would make it a lot different; I didn't realize at first some of the things I could do with 2-point perspective.  The most difficult part about this project was keeping the lines straight because the ruler wasn't long enough for some of them.  I also had a hard time picking out colors for the buildings because I didn't want them to be boring but I didn't want to spend time drawing graffiti or signs to fill them up.  This piece helped me improve my 2-point perspective skills, and I learned that it doesn't always have to start a certain way.

1 Point Hallway

I  liked the freedom and creativity in this project.  It was fun designing a Justin Bieber themed school hall.  I think that this piece was pretty successful.  If I were to do this project over again, I probably would pick a simpler theme like rainbows.  The most difficult part about this project was making all the lines go the right way and have them look right.  This piece taught me that I need to be careful with the details when making something in one point perspective.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2-Point Perspective Name

I liked this project; I had fun learning a new perspective.  I feel that I was pretty successful with this piece and I liked the way I did the colors.  If I were to do this project over again, I would write out mu whole last name and maybe do some shading.  The most difficult part about this project was when the ruler wasn't long enough to draw a straight line across the entire paper.  I learned how to do some thing new, 2-point perspective, and I improved the way I color with colored pencils.

Action Figure

This piece was sort-of fun, but it took a really long time, and coloring it was difficult because I didn't know how to make it look right with the figure being almost entirely black.  It did end up looking ok after I could use the black right.  If I were to do this project over again, I would probably edit the way the figure looked because his head was too small for his body; I would also take more time coloring it to make it look better.  Like I said, adding color was the most difficult part for me.  This piece taught me how to make an object bigger or smaller than they really are when putting them on paper and how to color a black object.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1 Point Perspective Name Drawing

   My overall thoughts on this project are that I liked it; I have already made pieces like this one.  I made a very cool one for my friend Kayle Church that I really liked.  I felt that this piece was successful for me because the way I did it was very precise; I didn't just scribble down some letters to get it done, and I tried to make it look good.  If I were to redo this project, I would use more color.  I would darken the blue shades that I have now and make the background look like stars in space.  The most difficult part about completing this project was trying to perfect the way the letters fit on the page by measuring and calculating where I needed to put them.  I didn't learn much from this piece because I have already made drawings like this one.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Still Life

   My overall thoughts on this assignment is that it was very time consuming for me because i was trying to make it 100 percent perfect.  I think that after i finally finished it, it looked OK, but i still wasn't quite satisfied, considering i missed a lot of little details.  If I were to redo this project, I would spend more time on shading and perfecting the shape, size, and placement of the objects; I would also darken a lot of it.  The most difficult part about completing this project was that I wasn't satisfied with the few little imperfections; I wanted mine to be the best.  This assignment taught me more about shading everyday items.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pop can Line Drawing

   My overall thought about this assignment is that it was very unique. I was excited to be able to do it myself considering that I've seen many other ones on display around the school in previous years. I was disappointed that we weren't supposed to shade yet, but I still enjoyed it.  I feel that I was successful with this assignment; I really enjoyed being complimented on it by another student in my class.  I didn't have trouble drawing the outline of the original can, but I did have some trouble with the little details and all of the extra lines on the crushed one.  If i were to redo this project, I would try to make the glue less sloppy and be more careful about the little lines on the crushed can.  It took me a really long time to complete the letters on the pre-crushed can because I was trying to make it perfect and I was very tense while doing it.  This piece taught me that I cannot draw a pop can without a visual aid.  I also learned that I would have struggled with it more if it weren't for the instructions and advice given to me about it before I started.  I enjoyed this piece very much.