Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Charactor Skeleton

*No Picture Available*
I'm pretty proud of this project.  It ended up looking really cool when I finished it.  The Power Puff Girls are boss.  I  should have taken my time on the coloring, though, I would have taken my time if I could redo it.  The hardest thing about doing this project was I am a slow poke, so it took forever.  This piece reminded me of my favorite show as a kid.

Pop Art Sculpture

*No picture available*
This piece was a ton of fun.. but I didn't really like the paper mache goo.  I think that this piece ended up being pretty successful.  It looks cool.  The head was hard to put on, though.  If I were to do this project over again, I would try to make the pieces fit together better.  The most difficult part of this project was getting the paper mache to stick.  This  piece taught me that art is dirty.

Letter Form 2

*No Picture available*
I thought this piece ended up looking pretty cool.  I really like things that are black and white.  After I finished, I thought it ended up looking nice, but I will admit that it was hard.  Painting straight lines was kinda hard.  If I got to do this project over again, I wouldn't change much.  I liked how it turned out.  This piece taught me that even abstract can look cool.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Letter Form 1

I really enjoyed this project.  I thought it was really cool because there is so many different fonts to choose from, and I also got to invent my own somewhat.  After I took my dear sweet time being a perfectionist, I think this project turned out looking pretty good.  Making the lines straight was difficult for me.  If I were to this project over again, I'd reinvent the "P" an the "E" in the second "hope' because they don't match very well.  The most ult part of this project was, again, painting, but I am getting better at it.  This project made me realize how pretty letters can be.  I didn't realize that you could make art out of letters.

Cell Animation

I think that overall this piece ended up ok, but it could have been better.  I did an average job on this project, but I'm not very fond of it. I was really excited about it at first, but I had some troubles with the painting, which made it take a long time.  The rollercoaster didn't turn out as cool as I'd pictured it, but I guess I'm satisfied with it.  If I got a chance to do this project over, I would try to lay out how I was going to pain it before I actually started painting.  Also, I would try to make the arms different.  The most difficult part of this project was painting.  I'm not the greatest painter.  This piece taught me that something like this, I need to plan how I'm going to do it better.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Great Doodle

I had some troubles deciding what to do with this assignment, but I did enjoy it.  Overall, I think It was quite successful.  If I were to redo this project, I would take time to put big inspirations and hobbies in my life into it, like music.  The most difficult part about completing this project was being patient with all the black and white  and thinking of good ideas to put into it.  This piece taught me that beauty can come from nothing but a sharpie, a blank piece of paper, and an imagination.

Clay Project

I loved working with clay.  My mug wasn't very pretty, but it was so much fun to make!  Even after the mug was done, I was still making things, like a snowman (before we were supposed to make a kiln creature.. for that I made a dog.).  I feel I was successful with this after I figured out.  If I were to redo this project, I would smooth the inside of the mug out more, make it thinner and taller, and not have designs on it, because they aren't visible after putting on glaze anyways.  The most difficult part about completing this project was making everything smooth and not having the mug be too think or thin.  This piece taught me not only how to handle clay, but how to build something out of it; before this project, I hadn't ever professionally done anything with clay.